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Questions Nobody

Would Answer

I trusted Christ as my Saviour when I was twelve years old and immediately developed a hunger for the Word of God. From the beginning I had some questions nobody would answer. I read many commentaries about the issues; however, there was always some things that didn't add up. I decided to put all my commentaries away, bought a Bible with no footnotes and began an new and exciting journey in the Word of God. 


Below are a few fifteen minute broadcasts entitled "Questions Nobody Would Answer." 




Many people trusted Christ during His three-year ministry. Again, and again, we read "many believed" in Christ. How did they survive spiritually if they didn't have a local church to attend?

1. Questions Nobody Would Answer - Pastor Kirkland
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Why did Peter command people to be baptized "in the name of Jesus Christ," rather than in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:38).

Why Did Peter command people to be baptized "for the remission of sins."? (Acts 2:38).

Why did Peter tell his listeners they would "receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" after they were baptized? (Acts 2:38).

2. Questions Nobody Would Answer - Pastor Kirkland
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What really happened on the day of Pentecost?

3. Questions Nobody Would Answer - Pastor Kirkland
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Why did Ananias, with Sapphira for simply causing a lie?

Peter lied three times the night Christ was crucified and he didn't die. Yet, he was the one who stuck Ananias, with Sapphira dead.

4. Questions Nobody Would Answer - Pastor Kirkland
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