Welcome To Our Church Information Page
It has been our privilege to serve the Lord at FairHavens Baptist Church since November, 1993. FairHavens Baptist Church is a small, friendly church that focuses on the needs of people. Our purpose is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We exist to worship the Lord and to help Christians grow in the Lord and to work together in reaching out to the unsaved in our community. We are, without apology, an old fashioned Baptist church. We use the King James Bible and sing the old fashioned hymns. Please look around our website. We hope that it will be a blessing to you. If you live in the area we hope you will come and visit us soon.
Pastor Kirkland

Meet Our Pastor
Our Service Times

We are in the process of changing the times of our services.
For information please phone - (519) 466-5890

What We Believe
If you have read one Baptist Doctrinal Statement, you have read them all; however, talk is cheap, it is the walk that costs. It is our desire to honour the Lord; therefore we believe the Bible and make no apology for it. Please click here for our doctrinal statement.

Contact Us
Telephone - 519-466-5890
Email - bobkirkland7@gmail.com
Mail - 26 Massey Cr., Sarnia, ON N7S 2P7
Email - Contact Form Below
Our Location
We are relocating - For information - Ph. (519) 466-5890

Weekly Audio Messages
For messages preached from our pulpit and a series of short messages done in a radio program format please Click Here.

Online Magazine
Dealing with the end-time issues we face today
Lifting Up THE STANDARD deals with today's issues that we face in our churches today. We have received hundreds of responses from people who have been encouraged through this material. For a list of articles please (Click Here).

Articles And Books
We have many articles of interest available for free download..For our article page please (Click Here).

Return To Modesty
A complete course concerning the subject of modesty.
We are living in an age when Christians need to be concerned about getting back to Biblical modesty; however, modesty is much more than the length of a dress or the cut of a blouse. The Webster’s dictionary says modesty is “...freedom from conceit or vanity,” as well as “propriety in dress, speech, or conduct.” It is important to realize that modesty begins in the heart. Psalm 19:14 says “Let the...meditation (planning) of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord...” It is the heart that determines what we wear. Proverbs 3:27 says “...as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
For a free download of the modesty course please (Click Here).
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5,6) |